Episode 59: Nigel Franklyn
Jumping Into the Unknown
Nigel Franklyn is one of the founders of Moss Wellness Consultancy. He is also the once writer and journalist, now painter and self-described Spa Whisperer who was recently featured on "The Tamron Hall Show" discussing his unprecedented career in the spa industry. But a more accurate description of Nigel beyond his job titles is a person who lives a life of artistry and takes leaps of faith into the unknown. As he says, “I jump off cliffs now and I don’t worry because I really believe fully from my direct experiences that either I will find something soft to land on, or someone will teach me how to fly.”
His global career as a spa and wellness aficionado began in Atlanta, GA when his life was impacted by a spa therapist who in one service gave him such an overwhelming feeling of nurture, safety, and surrender, that it changed the trajectory of his career and life. He had gone to that spa on assignment as a writer and journalist but left knowing from that moment his life would be devoted to bringing that sense of nurture and wellbeing to people all over the world. It was a bold, unexpected move, but it was a leap of faith that was characteristic of his life – lived stepping into the unknown and trusting that he would land safely.
His paintings too, like his work in the spa and wellness worlds, are bold and brash, yet they tell a very personal story. A story of a man who lost his parents as a teenager. A man who stepped into the essence of his identity at six years old when he declared he wanted to marry Superman. A man who believes that to receive the benefits from something or learn something, you must surrender to the process. Because in the spaces of surrender we find faith, belief, and hope.
Or as Nigel says, “In order to nurture something, you have to get it to a space of surrender. Because that surrender is where we get to really do our best work. When we’re not engaged in the battle with self, or the battle with other people.”